Ryan Fields is a recognized expert in the field of fire investigation. Ryan Fields began his fire investigation career in 1986. As an Oregon State Police detective, he received a promotion and was transferred to the Arson and Explosives Section. That assignment became his career and he has personally investigated more than 600 fires.

  While serving the citizens of the State of Oregon as a fire investigator, Ryan Fields has worked with local, state and federal agencies on hundreds of cases. He was assigned to local, regional and statewide investigative task forces, which were formed to combat serial arsonists and eco-terrorists. These task forces resulted in many successful prosecutions.

  Ryan Fields has been a member in good standing since 1987, of both the International Association of Arson Investigators and the Oregon Chapter of IAAI. He has served on the Oregon Board of Directors three different times, and has moved through the succession of chairs to become President of the Oregon Chapter of IAAI twice.

  Ryan Fields tested and obtained his IAAI-CFI® designation in 1995 and was recertified in 2000 & 2005. He has been an instructor on a wide range of fire investigation topics during local, regional and state-level seminars. He is also active in the presentation of the IAAI Expert Witness Courtroom Testimony Course offered in Oregon, Washington and California.

  During the time spent investigating fires within Southern Oregon, Ryan Fields has forged unparalleled working relationships with fire agencies and individuals throughout the Southern Oregon area. While working in cooperation with these public agencies, he maintained a high degree of thoroughness and the independence needed which allowed the private investigation to stand on its own merits.

  With over 28 years of law enforcement experience, Ryan Fields brings with him the knowledge and expertise needed to conduct a successful investigation that will withstand legal challenge.

* Professional references are available on request.